The Answer

From time to time we all need The Answer, whether in life, business or just to
 make a change.

All answers are about need not want

To find The Answer you may need to change your focus from what's wanted to what's needed. This is what makes Grahame's help so unique, as The Answer to what you need is waiting on a higher level.
If you wish to grow here, then you need to find the solution there.
The Answer is about making a jump into the higher aspect of yourself where you are connected to what you need. You may have identified a specific problem or you simply know there is a problem even if you you have not yet identified it. You feel it. Or you may have nothing to worry about and only wish to check. People seek The Answer because what needs to be discovered is what is needed.

Your need is where your answer lies and Grahame will help take you there. Not many people can do this because it is a game changer when it comes to decision making. Some people have arranged meetings with Grahame with the answer already decided and are looking for confirmation. This decision is often formed around what is wanted rather than needed, and the answer can turn out to be something completely different. This desire for what is wanted can be the very problem blocking the solution.

One thing is for sure, you do have the answer to what is needed and this relies on your investigation. Grahame's guidence to The Answer is a two way thing. He cannot help you do this without you and vice versa. However, you are The Answer to the solution. This is very important because if you are just given the answer by anybody, this keeps the solution in the 'want'. It is like hearing from someone, "I know what you want." In reality, a higher answer is needed; the very reason you have sought Grahame to help find it.

Grahame has worked with the business world, celebrities and even aristocracy and they have been amazed by the results. His gift is a completely unique way of 'seeing'. This enables you to make the changes you need because he can take you on a journey of discovery using his vision to light your path. Grahame describes this as the invisible world where all life's secrets are held.

 The Answer offers a unique opportunity to have direct contact with Grahame's insight. If you are faced with an issue that you know will require great change, then try The Answer. 

Grahame requires you to contact him directly to book an appointment.

Price of each session: $1000  
Book The Answer