These one hour sessions help you make a higher connection with the truth that can direct your life from a profound place.
Free Yourself is to release the blocks held deep within that cause pain and dismantle self-worth. Blocks keep us from what we are truly here to achieve and that is to be directed from a higher source. Our physical existence is only a small part of who we truly are and the rest is where our decisions should be directed from. Each session helps in reaching this highest part of yourself and clear what is in the way. 
"Grahame is a magnificent teacher/healer/facilitator. His sessions are equally gentle and strong, and you will most definitely move a lot of your “stuff”. He empowers you during the class, and it stays with you forever. If you have the opportunity, please be generous with yourself, and book a session to work with Grahame. It will be a Divine appointment."

Tammy Archibald MSN, RN

The blocks that affect your lower self:

Blocks held within the lower self usually affect three major aspects of our lives:

1. Money: the need to finance growth, both for business projects and to gain personal financial stability.
2. Relationships: finding a suitable and fulfilling love that can be built on, dealing with difficult bloodlines, immediate family, work colleagues and other associates.
3. Health: which is the root of all happiness and creates possibility, for without strength, vitality, without managing weight, diet and exercise and, of course, without having positivity, nothing substantial will happen for you.
All these aspects of your life are waiting to be achieved once you can clear what is holding you back, as the greatest thing you can own is yourself.  This includes the command of saying ‘Yes’ when you want something and ‘No’ when you don’t. These simple statements of intention are lost within the trauma that causes blocks.

The blocks that affect your higher self:

Blocks held within the higher self usually affect three major aspects of our lives:
1. The ability to be open-minded and bring in the new: new ideas, change, the new waiting to come in for the next stage of our evolution.
2. The need for spiritual growth that requires profound trust in what we do. Trust is so important as it established what we know to be true because we just know it. The proof comes in exploring what the truth is. This is about getting to a stage where this truth is solid, tangable - just known. Anything that blocks this will block truth from forming here on Earth and establishing what you create.
3. Vision: the most important commodity for creating anything important in life to succeed. Blocks here can lead to deep separation form life and depression.

How the sessions work

Tackling the blocks within your higher self may take more than one session of Free Yourself. The process of freeing your lower self can take one to three sessions, each lasting up to one hour. However, people often wish to go further and explore more of their higher self. Some people clear so much in the first session that they need time to adjust their life with this newfound freedom before booking their next step.

Grahame sets up each session enabling you to take a journey deep within yourself to explore what needs to be released. Blocks need to surface into your consciousness. Sometimes people just explore and naturally move to a new place of enlightenment. Other times take an energetic effort to be released. Either way, the release of blocks is a process of moving on from what has been obstructing growth. Each time a block is released, the consequence can take time to settle into our lives because conscious change creates the new. Blocks can repeatedly tell us 'this is how things are meant to be' and once this has cleared there can be some confusion as to how things are now meant to be. This is the new - free within new possibility. Blocks create much resistance to change, which can cause much fear, anxiety and insecurity. Change is only our way of countering fear.

Doors of opportunity await us all and we should take them because this is how we grow. Many people don’t take such opportunities due to the blocks they carry. If the past has got hold of you, its now time to relinquish it to be ready for the future. We need to be free enough to know what’s right for us when it comes and take it!
The Free Yourself sessions are only available online. You will be helped and guided through every step, but each step belongs to you - you are in control of your destiny at all times.
Grahame does not use an automated booking system as he likes to make contact with each potential client first. Therefore please feel free to contact him and make an appointment by using the button below.
Book An Appointment 
"Working with Grahame is like pulling aside a sheer curtain that has kept you from seeing clearly. He doesn’t have an agenda, just sometimes will point a possible direction with warmth and compassion. It’s amazing how just a glimpse can begin to open your world in unexpected and wonderful ways."

Wynnette Nichols

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