The Western Chakra System

A 7 stage meditative program that helps you work through The Western Chakra System. This system differs from the Eastern system that is based on the colours of the rainbow. This western system works better for those who needed it. This is often instinctual and people choose the western system because it resonates deep within them.
These recordings were made in beautiful recording studio in Devon, UK, thanks to the amazingly talented musician and artist Cathy Battistessa.

Each audio download was recorded without a script and neither read from text. They were created through ‘direct knowing’: a process explained in Grahame's book, The Light Centers – Freeing You and the Planet.

‘Direct knowing’ is not channeling. It does not involve information coming from somewhere else but being at one with all consciousness. These recordings are part of this greater consciousness and so by meditating on them, you also align to this greater insight and benefit from the affect it has on your life.  

By using ‘direct knowing’ the whole essence of the information that is trying to take form in the physical world comes from this invisible world to integrate with humanity. There is always a meant to be with 'direct knowing'. This can’t be predicted or repeated, as it is not an intellectual exercise – it is what it is. And within it is contained a vibration that has quality beyond anything we can contrive. 

Grahame spoke into the microphone for around 20 minutes per recording of each of the 7 Centers and the only editing was to take out any background noise or a stumble over a word, which is perfectly normal for all spoken recordings. What information that came out, as well as energy is held within this entirety and forever within each recording.

These 7 recordings, we have found, have created a profound effect on people's spiritual and personal development. When meditated on, one at a time and starting at the base, then the sacral, the solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown, they create a journey of self-discovery where blocks can be freed and  vibrational frequencies balanced. All of this is needed to explore true possibility. That’s what life presents – the potential to succeed in what we are here to do. This is what we are meant to do. This is when we are happiest – achieving what feels right without blocks, fears and other people’s narrow minded attitude getting in the way.

You can start each audio download and then continue to meditate after the recording has finished to maximise its effect. It should open up a portal and you may need as much time as you feel right to explore its wonder. Afterwards bring yourself back within the physical reality of Planet Earth and ground after exploring what is the non-physical world. By doing this you are ready to take on the consequence of your findings by making them physical and integrating them in your life.

Whenever we search the non-physical, the consequence end up here on earth. We have a responsibility to bring in new consciousness to this planet - we literally give birth to it. However we humans can be frightened of change, and although we say we want it, often we struggle with the 'new' in the form of consequence and as a result of our search within the non-physical world. The main rule here is to embrace it as you wouldn’t have received this ‘new’ unless you needed to. Embrace the changes that can come from these recordings and let your life open up to the life you are meant to live. This is not necessarily what you have envisaged or have tried to hold on to.
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