1 The Light Centers: The Western Chakra System



In this extraordinary book Grahame Martin introduces us to the Western Chakra System. Did you know there is a Western Chakra System? Probably not, but it is as ancient as the eastern rainbow system. This book not only exposes why this system has remained hidden but also takes you on wonderful journey of powerful energy exchange that is unique to this system.

This system creates a deep form of personal transformation. Our western ancestors were aware of the amazing equipment we carry in ourselves and how it interacts with the energies of our galaxy and beyond. Its ability to evolve our perceptive capabilities is why this system, used by Pharaohs, royalty and leaders alike, was hidden within the monasteries and spiritual groups for centuries. Its secrets were never written down and there remain only a few symbols laid in floors or carved in walls that reflect this knowledge.

Grahame has spent the last twenty years unearthing and investigating how this system, which he calls The Light Centers, can take us into an extraordinary level of transformation. We all carry blocks within us, many of which relate to trauma and pain that we have accumulated over time. This system is designed to remove these blocks.

The point to this book is to take you on a journey to dematerialize into where the 'new' can be found, blocks can be released and the consequence can enter your life. Each stage in the book is a journey to achieve higher perception and enter the non-physical world. Regardless of the situation you are dealing with - be it financial, business, relationships or personal-development - getting to the 'new' creates change.

This system is now available to you so you can create the 'new' and it can be brought down to Planet Earth to make a better world.

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